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We are the largest
power generator
in the country

We are one of the most important integrated energy companies in the country

We generate electricity through our thermal and hydro power plants and wind farms. We co-control Transener, which transmits 86% of the electricity in Argentina.

We explore and produce oil and gas in 11 production and 4 exploration blocks in the country’s most important basins. We co-control Transportadora de Gas del Sur (TGS), which transports 60% of gas consumed in the country.

We are the main producers of polystyrene, styrene and SBR in Argentina.

We are listed on the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA) under ticker ‘PAM’, and in 2024, we celebrate 15 years listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).


To be an emblematic company in the Argentine energy sector, distinguished by its commitment, operational excellence and continuous growth. 


To develop people and foster productive investment in the country and highest standards upon ethical values, integrating and attaining sustainable performance.

Our history

• Senior members of Grupo EMES (formerly known as Grupo Dolphin) acquire Pampa Energía to channel their acquisitions in the energy sector.
• We acquire Transener and a controlling stake in the Los Nihuiles and Diamante Hydro Power Plants and the Güemes Thermal Power Plant.
• In May, we complete our first capital increase by 140 million shares at AR$1 each, and in September, we increase it by 300 million shares at AR$1.15 each.
• We acquire Loma de La Lata and Piedra Buena Thermal Power Plants.
• We increase our capital stock by 480 million shares at AR$2.61 each and use it to acquire a controlling stake in Edenor through a stock swap.
• We increase our Güemes Thermal Power Plant’s installed capacity by 100 MW with a US$80 million investment.
• Our ADS are first listed on the NYSE under the ticker symbol ‘PAM’.
• We acquire a co-controlling interest in Transportadora de Gas del Sur (TGS) .
• Our first combined cycle is commissioned in Loma de La Lata Thermal Power Plant, increasing its capacity by 180 MW with a US$250 million investment.
• We enter into an agreement with YPF whereby our subsidiary Petrolera Pampa commits a US$151.5 million investment in consideration of 50% of the hydrocarbon production in the Rincón del Mangrullo block, in Neuquén.
• Petrolera Pampa is first listed on the BCBA.
• We incorporate a new LMS 100 turbine at Loma de la Lata Thermal Power Plant, with a US$100 million investment.
• We acquire a majority controlling stake in Petrobras Argentina S.A. for US$892 million.
• We merge with Petrobras Argentina and start operating as a single organization on November 1, 2016, keeping the name ‘Pampa Energía’.
• We place a 10-year bond for US$750 million.
• We incorporate a new LMS 100 turbine at Loma de la Lata Thermal Power Plant, with a US$100 million investment.
• We inaugurate Parque Pilar and Ingeniero White Thermal Power Plants, of 100 MW each, with a US$200 million investment.
• We extend our concessions for 35 years in the El Mangrullo and Sierra Chata blocks.
• We successfully start up our first Wind Farm in Bahía Blanca, ‘Ingeniero Mario Cebreiro’, with a 100 MW installed capacity and a US$130 million investment.
• We start the construction of two other Wind Farms in the Bahía Blanca area, with a 53 MW capacity each, totaling a US$140 million investment.
• We inaugurate the Pampa Energía II and III Wind Farms in Bahía Blanca and Coronel Rosales, respectively, with an installed capacity of 53 MW each and a US$140 million investment.
• We acquire the Ensenada Barragán Thermal Power Plant in partnership with YPF.
• We drill the first two wells in our El Mangrullo field, in Vaca Muerta.
• We start up the second combined cycle at Genelba Thermal Power Plant, reaching a 1243 MW installed capacity with a US$350 million investment.
• We make our first Medanito oil export from our fields in the Neuquina basin.
• We close the sale of Edenor’s controlling stake, announced on December 28, 2020, with the transfer of Class A shares representing 51% of Edenor’s capital stock and voting rights.
• We increase our winter gas production by 60%, reaching 11 million m3/day.
• We acquire 100% of Vientos de Arauco Renovables S.A.U., a company that operates the 100 MW Arauco II Wind Farm in La Rioja, for US$171 million.
• We achieve a 16 million m3/day gas production during the winter, 40% more than the previous year.
• We execute an asset swap with Total: we acquire 100% of the Rincón de Aranda unconventional oil block, extending its concession for 35 years, and transfer the Mario Cebreiro Wind Farm.
• Jointly with YPF, we start up the combined cycle at Ensenada Barragán Thermal Power Plant, with a total 847 MW installed capacity and an over US$250 million investment.
• We start works for our Pampa Energía VI Wind Farm, with a 140MW capacity and an overall investment of more than US$270 million.
• We celebrate 15 years listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Corporate governance

We implement the best corporate governance practices that consolidate us as one of the most trustworthy and transparent companies in the market.

Senior Management












Executive director of E&P


Executive director of legal affairs


Executive director of administration, IT and supply