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3 hydro power plants

938 MW

Los Nihuiles Hydro Power Plant

265 MW


Located on the Atuel river, in the Province of Mendoza, it consists of three dams and three hydro power generation plants (Nihuil I, Nihuil II and Nihuil III), as well as a compensator dam.

- ISO 9001 
- ISO 14001 
- ISO 45001 
- ISO 50001
- ISO 55001

Pichi Picún Leufú Hydro Power Plant

285 MW


Located on the Limay River, in the limit between the provinces of Rio Negro and Neuquén, it started operations in 1999 and consists of three Kaplan-type turbines.

- ISO 9001 
- ISO 14001 
- ISO 45001 
- ISO 50001
- ISO 55001

Diamante Hydro Power Plant

388 MW


Located on the Diamante River, in the Province of Mendoza, it consists of three dams and three hydro power generation plants (Agua del Toro, Los Reyunos and El Tigre).

- ISO 9001 
- ISO 14001 
- ISO 45001 
- ISO 50001
- ISO 55001