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We have a co-controlling stake in TGS, the most important gas transportation company in Argentina.
The company transports 60% of the gas produced in the country through a 9,231 km gas pipeline, the longest in Latin America.

TGS is also a leading company in the production and sale of natural gas liquids (NGL) both for domestic and export markets. It conducts this business from the General Cerri plant, located in the Province of Buenos Aires, where the natural gas is processed and the Puerto Galván facilities are used for the storage, reception and dispatch of the obtained products.


We hold a 2.1% interest in this company, which is engaged in the transportation of crude oil through oil pipelines from the Neuquina basin to the Oiltanking-Ebytem S.A.’s storage plant and YPF’s Plaza Huincul Refinery.

Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP)

Poseemos el 64% de participación en OCP, el oleoducto privado más grande de Ecuador. Con una capacidad total de transporte 450.000 barriles diarios y una extensión de 485 kilómetros, transporta el 30% del petróleo extraído en el país.