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Sole producer of polystyrene,
styrene and SBR in Argentina

Puerto General San Martín Petrochemical Complex 

Located in the Province of Santa Fe, it was the first petrochemical complex in South America, supplying domestic and international markets since its inauguration in 1966.

It produces mainly styrene, ethylene and ethylbenzene over a 250-hectare lot. It also produces SBR (for tires and shoe soles), aromatic solvents (used for other industries and also for naphthas) and propellants (basic component for deodorants and other products). 
The plant has an annual production capacity of 50 thousand ton (‘kton’) of gases (liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG, which is used as a raw material and propellant), 155 kton of aromatics, 290 kton of gasoline and refined products, 160 kton of styrene, 55 kton of SBR, 180 kton of ethylbenzene and 31 kton of ethylene.